Nasty Neighbours

I expect you were hoping to see some dirt on a neighbourhood dispute here with some videos? Covert recordings etc.
Well I'm happy to say I don't have any dirt like that right now but I'm just keeping this site live for a rainy day.
You could always contact me at to rent the front page of this site.
Don't get angry or tell any lies, it only hurts you as it will come back to bight you in the behind. Present the facts and get even!
If you check out the site below you will understand why I covertly record important meetings.
If I had not I believe they would have taken my kids into care and I would have lost my house to my wifes affair partner.
Maybe visit my other site! That's all about child abuse but makes my point.

The above made the council jump after they tried to brush it under the carpet. Like they are ever going to use my book to educate a social worker!
You see the bigger the company the less likely you are going to receive a good service. If you want something done be prepaired to do it yourself!
You see a school is only as good as the head and a company the CEO/Manager and their policies.
You see you can meet people who want to provide a service first and people who want an easy life and profit first.